Where is Jordi?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Hello my friends!!

After more than 3 months without having news from me... Jordi is back!! alive!! and very very happy. Live is going well. I have been workin in France last 7months and i feel time passes very quickly.

En els últims mesos he estat fent un munt un munt de coses:
carnavals de Venécia
Amsterdam amb el meu colega brasileny
Cinque Terre amb la Laura
sortida a la muntanya
el meu aniversari
festes amb els amics
menjars a casa meva
wideboard amb una zodiac
festes de flix
Museu oceanogràfic de Mónaco
la platja
etc, etc, etc...

Com podeu veure amics meus, no tinc gaire temps per aburrir-me.
Voldria agrair a la Laura la seva vista,que em va fer molt il·lisió al ser la primera persona després dels meus pares que m´ha vingut a veure. A veure si els demés us animeu.

I would like to talk about my next planned trips!

16 - 27 may to Andalucía
to visit one of my best friends: Luis
and my lovely Agushu in Cordoba
30 june Istambul
I have been invited to a wedding in Turkey.
One collegue in my team is getting married.
In summer to Tunisia
to visit my good friend Fakher
Unscheduled trips (still pending)
I want to find a moment to visit Greece, with my magnific friends Vasso, pour Savas in the army now, Iannis in Cyprus, Iannis from Tessaloniki, and all the other malakas.
I want to go to visit Lluís Salvador in Zurich, maybe with Teo too. Last year was great.

M'agradaria felicitar a la meva mare un altre cop el seu aniversari. Felicitats mami!! MUAKS